Dora Kalff's classic, originally published in German in 1966, is the foundational book of the psychotherapeutic modality she called "Sandspiel" in German, translated "Sandplay" in English.
In sandplay, the therapist quietly witnesses while the patient creates a "world" in a shallow tray half-filled with sand. Miniatures and natural objects, such as stones and shells, are provided for use in these creations. Sandplay is now practiced around the world.
Contemporary readers will discover that Frau Kalff's wisdom and way of working with children and young adults feels fresh and engaging. Her deep insight into the development of the human psyche, with reference to Eastern contemplative traditions and the work of C. G. Jung, has found support from contemporary neuroscience.
Sandplay is widely integrated into therapeutic work with both children and adults, allowing body-based emotions and memories to emerge in a "safe and protected space." It has found particular application to trauma, including relief work following natural disasters and in zones of conflict.
In 1985, Kalff and her students founded the International Society for Sandplay Therapy, with branches in many countries.It is a collegial society that provides training and certification in sandplay therapy and is affiliated with the International Association of Analytical Psychology.
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